He started his career working on a Milling machine at Rs. 30/- per month from 1942 – 48 for this reason; logo of PATHAK MACHINES is a Milling machine duly registered worldwide. The machine on which he worked is now well preserved as a ‘GREAT MEMENTO’ in the family home at Ludhiana. Since 1960 PATHAK INDUSTRIES was in a small room in Teratty Bazar which is still the Registered Office of PATHAK group of companies and PATHAK family members.
Plot No. 840, NH-5, Palasuni,
Opp. State Bank of India,
P.O. Rasulgarh,Bhubaneswar-751010, Odisha
Pathak Machine Tools Pvt. Ltd. are well-known manufacturers and exporters of milling machines, lathe machines, sheet metal machinery, workshop machinery, hydraulic machines, and presses worldwide.
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